Words Collections

 GO Deeper

I never thought joining Westmark Bible Study would create much writing and ignite my love for the Bible. It's a simple group initiated by Margareta and Kaleb only for Westmark. We did it only by Whatsapp group. I'm the only one in the Netherlands, while the rest is Jakarta. Once a week, we read 2 Bible chapters and share what we've got. You can write long or short, simple or deep, whatever you got. The goal is simply to read together. To build a habit to read the Bible together. As simple as that. Together we can achieve more. 

Every week I am amazed at how everyone brings their perspective and point of view. We read the same things, but we share different angles. And it's beautiful and profound. Even I was surprised by the insight that I got.

Years ago, I learned from The Deeper Bible class how to read the Bible deeper by myself. Not depend on other people's sermons or opinions. And to help me cross-check the teachings that I heard and the Bible itself. The learning tools make me love reading the Bible and want to know more. Until now, I'm still learning. Because no matter what, it's a never-ending journey to learn about the Bible. It always brings new revelations and reminders for ourselves.

Week by week, all the things that I share with the group, I post it here as an article. So it becomes a collection of my writing, 'Go Deeper.

Thank you for reading the article, and thank you for all the support that I have. I would love to hear what you've got when you read it. So, we could learn and read the Bible together. 


Raising UP The Worshippers



As a worshipper to raise up another worshipper. Imagine the world filled with people who have a teachable heart who love to learn and inspire each other, so that we could be better and raising up better generation. The world need more a role model. We need not just the Bible verse or doctrine.

We need more of wisdom to raise up the generations.



Insecure Virus

Insecurity is like influenza virus. It’s a sickness that attack your mind and soul. It’s contagious. You can be healed from it, but you can get sick again. This virus works in the subconscious and unconscious level. That’s why we didn’t aware easily if we are insecure. Be aware.



What Is In Your Hand

This series “What Is In Your Hand” is based on the Biblical point of view and my journey with God, especially in my new seasons here in the Netherlands. How this is will be connected one another. How the word of God showing me and other people who read this series, the way of life in a new season. What can we do and what we have in our hand. How can we do mightily with what is in our hand..


Your Input Determines Your Output

What you read, listen and watch is matter. The things that you put into yourself. Be intentional with your input.

This is my notes collections of the people that I learn from. I intentionally take a notes with details since 2013 to learn how to be a better writer and to re-read what I have learn.
