PRVR - Beyond your wildest dreams.PNG

In Matthew 13, there was a parable about a farmer scattering the seeds. Some seeds fell on a footpath, in the gravel, in the weeds, and some fell on good soil. 

Usually, in a lot of translation, use this phrase: "Still other seeds fell on fertile soil, and they produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even a hundred times as much as had been planted!"

But, honestly, I don't get the meaning or imagine how it looks like of "the 30 or 60 times". Until I read in the Message's version: ""The seed cast on good earth is the person who hears and takes in the News, and then produces a harvest BEYOND HIS WILDEST DREAM."" Mat 13:23 MSG

So, for me, 'Beyond ur wildest dreams' is easier to understand because you don't have to think! It doesn't matter how many it would be multiply. This also reminds me of another verse in another book. 

"Never doubt God's mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you." Eph 3:20 TPT

In Mattew 14, there were two events:

  • A boy gives his lunch box of 5 pieces of bread and 2 fish. Turned out it becomes a miracle and provides food to more than five thousand people. Jesus's disciples also watch and involve in this miracle.

  • Petrus walks on water just like Jesus did.

Did they ever dream/plan this happens to them? I DON'T THINK SO! This is BEYOND THEIR WILDEST DREAMS. 

I hear so much teaching that leads people to focus on 'must-have' big dreams in life. This is quite misleading and half true. I'm not against 'dream big,' but...

I choose to put my focus on how to be 'the good soil' and bring my dreams to HIM. When we focus on good soil, it "forces" us to be intentional and present. So do your best with what you have in your hands right now. Whatever it is. Because HE will exceed more than we might ask or think.

Another example why the dreams are not the one who needs to be the focus on. Before David was anointed to be a king, he was just a kid who cared for his father's sheep. He protects the sheep from the lion and bear. Did David ever dream of being the king of Israel? He is just faithful with what he has. 

The study case also shows the same. In the book 'Atomic Habit,' James Clear explains why so many people failed to change a bad habit or achieve their goal. Because people are too often focus on the goal but not how to build the system that could sustain the habit toward the goal. You cannot lose weight if you don't pay attention to what you eat, exercise, and sleep quality. When you focus on a healthy lifestyle, the lost weight is the by-product.

'Beyond your wildest dream' is the by-product when you are faithfully working on your soil and the seeds given to you. The seeds are the things that you already have. So if you have Apple's seeds, do your best to make it grow, think of the innovative way to add value. Don't expect it to become an Orange. Means your dream must be in line with the seeds that you have.

In other words, do the best - what you can do, and let God do the multiply. 

To have a big dream is cheap and easy. However, to be 'the good soil' is expensive, and it takes a lot of effort. 


So, are you a 'good soil'? Do you know what kind of seed that you have in your hand? 


Critical Thinking Like Jesus


Connected Virtually