Respond In Excellence
I imagine the parable of 'The Great Feast' from Matthew 22 is like The Met Gala from Vouge. Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, and so many top artists and public figures don't want to come for many reasons. But, unexpectedly we got the invitation! And we are not an artist at all.
When I read this story, I've got confused as, why the King was angry with someone who didn't properly dress up for the party. So, he punished that guy - threw him into the outer darkness.
Turned out in AMP and TPT version said, "how did you come in here without wearing the wedding clothes [that were provided for you]?'"
What?! They prepare the clothes for the party! As if you come to the Met Gala, you can choose the best designer clothes: Gucci, Dior, and so on. It's all for you. Not just that, they also prepare all the assistants that you need, like a hairstylist, make-up artist and so on. But, yet still, some people came in a clumsy dress - unprepared.
The clothes represent the grace provided for us.
The meaning of this parable is in verse 14 "For many are called, but few are chosen."
The word chosen reminds me of John 15:6 "You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you, and I have appointed and placed and purposefully planted you."
We are not only chosen by God, but He arranged our life intentionally to be at the right generations, time, and place.
As I read in TPT versions, they translate differently, "For everyone is invited to enter in, but few respond in excellence."
WOW! What does it mean?
We are chosen, but few respond in excellence.
Sometimes you know that His grace chooses us in this generation, time, and place to be His representative. Everything is has been provided and equipped for us, so we could go and bear fruit.
But, are you respond in excellent? Do the best possible way you could be? Or do you act whatsoever like the guy who didn't dress up appropriately?
The grace is for us. How the way we respond is our responsibility.
Let me try to put it in the context of our daily life.
God chooses us to be at a particular place and community. He provides us with people and a support system (church) to help us grow and bear the fruit. Thus, we have leaders and a community.
Are we respond to His grace with excellence? Do we give the best of ourselves? Or you do whatsoever just as if you come to Met Gala with old PJ and sandals, while actually, you can wear designer clothes.
This post is my personal notes from the Westmark Bible Study assignment. So, every week we read two chapters together and share what we learned or found from them. Let’s learn and grow together.
A story of Faithful Till The End. - Tribute to my Dad, Henoch Robijanto
Get to know Doctor Luke, The Writer. The author who wrote the book of Luke and Acts