Relationship Investment

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The best investment that I ever made is not in market stocks, houses, business, or other typical investments. My best investment is the relationship. To spend time, energy, and focus on the relationship. It is hard work and took me a long time to do this, but it's worth it. And the return of investment ’ROI’ is more than money could measure. 

In this case, it is with my mom @susandeborah_123 I glad I had the opportunity to get close to my mom before I move to the Netherland. Until now, I can still close to her. Let her know how cute her grandson is. Numerous video call Netherland-Indonesia. 

I was thinking about this video because of the game night two weeks ago. There's a question, "What is the best highlight of your life?" I didn't get this question, but I start thinking, "what is for me?" And I realized, one of the best is when I have a healthy community —a safe place to be open and vulnerable. I saw people's lives, and including myself, was changed to be better. I have the courage to restored my relationship with my mom.

I would never make this 'relationship investment' without a support system, a healthy community of DATE Westmark @klucman. And my mentor @ribkalucman, who always reminds us, "If you want a good relationship with your children, you need to fix your relationship with your parents. You have to be willing to pay the price." 

So, are you willing to make this kind of investment in your life? 

Share your thought, please. 

This video was taken from the interview for "This Is My Story" for JPCC and Treasure Women Conference 2017. 

#priscillaRVR #PRVR #RVRjourney#Thisismystory




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