The Unusual Worship - Alabaster Jar

'Alabaster Jar' is a story about an extraordinary - expensive, and rare act of worship by Mary - the sister of Martha (Mat 36, Jh 12). Three books of gospels wrote her act of worship.

What do we know about this? 

Timeline: Last winter, Jesus raised her brother - Lazarus, from death. Since then, there has been a plot to kill Jesus. A couple of months later (in spring), Jesus went back again to Bethany. Mary used this moment to anoints Jesus (six days before the crucifixion).  

Parfume: NARD is an extremely rare oil from northern India (near Himalaya). It cost the average workers a year's wages. It contains around 350 - 500 ml. 

Alabaster Jar is made from marble. They have a long neck jar, and you need to broke off if you want to use it. It means only one-time use. 

Anointing: She anoints Jesus in his feet and not in his head. She wipes with her hair, which is something that is an unusual act and not common.

Critics: The disciples critics and offended by her act. Initiate by Judas. 

What can we learn from her story?

Do you ever give something to God that is so costly and rare? 

It doesn't have to be money-wise or like give to the church. It also could be from your act of worship (your lifestyle, daily life, etc.) 

Worship is not about a song, music, or being on stage. Worship is your everyday-ordinary life. From the time you wake up until you go back to sleep. Everything that you do - you do it for God - as a living sacrifice. Worship is about your daily relationship with God, and it's reflected through your everyday choice, your day-to-day relationship with others, your small daily obedience. In other words, your worship is reflected in everything that you do - every single day in your life until the end. It doesn't mean you have to be perfect.

Your gift reflects your relationship.

Someone who only knows Jesus would not spend or do this kind of act like this. Mary was known as someone who loved to sit and listen to Jesus. Someone who has profound admiration. Plus, she got a rare miracle a couple of months ago - her brother was dead and came alive because of Jesus. 

Mary may need to save a lot, or maybe this oil is a family inheritance. No matter what, it was not an impulsive act. Instead, this comes from the deep relationship and adoration. 

Unusual act of worship

The way she anoints is unusual, and nobody in her time does something like that. It is not only about how much money she spends on the oil but also how she pours it. She didn't do it to impress others. Instead, it is her own way of showing her devotion. Humble herself to use her hair to wipe Jesus's feet. 

Others may not understand why you do what you do because you do it your way. 

When you are doing something that no one has ever done before, it most likely disturbs others. It makes other people uncomfortable and criticizes. Not everyone can accept something new or unique. As you can see, if it happened to her, you need to expect that it would happen to you. Don't be surprised. 

What is look like to do things that are unusual in our modern age?

For example, you dare to make the music worship differently. Create songs that are more relevant to the generations. In contrast, your church or other churches are still singing the old song over and over. And they didn't like the way you do it and accused you of being too secular or not spiritual enough. 

You empower people and use a modern leadership approach based on the latest research. But, somehow, the church management is using the old, outdated leadership playbook. Who says leaders are always right. When you say things to help the organization, the leader could not accept it and accuses you of being disrespectful. 

There are so many examples of unusual acts of worship because worship is a lifestyle.  

Do not let anyone stop you.

She was criticized by the disciples - not just one person. But, remember, this situation is not the first time. Her sister Martha also had been annoyed with the way Mary sat and listened to Jesus.

Those disciples were offended, and she overheard all the conversations. When you get accusations and criticism from respectful people or your leader, it may crush your spirit and damage your mental health. It is not easy my friends. 

Yes, in this case, Jesus steps up and defends her. But, in real life, there's a chance that no one stands up for you. That you don't have a wise leader who can protect you. 

Your fellow Christian friends or even the church leader may not understand or even mock/offend the way you act. But, please do not stop! Do not let them stop you from being you. Just be real and authentic. Expect that will be people who misunderstood you. 

Be the wise leader

Be like Jesus - the wise leader who accepts people as the way they are. He also protects her from all the critics. 

A legacy of worship

Her act of devotion is going to be remembered and admired. (Mentions in three gospels) 

What kind of worship legacy do you want to be remembered?   

So, what is your unusual worship? Your ‘alabaster jar’?

You cannot give what you don't have.

Let's imagine this:

Would you dare to buy a 500ml perfume that cost 36K* Euros or 500 million Rupiah? For one-time use only! 

*Based on the average years' salary in the Netherlands.

This post is my personal notes from the Westmark Bible Study assignment. So, every week we read two chapters together and share what we learned or found from them. Let’s learn and grow together.


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