What If??? The Tough Questions

What if? (Not a marvel's series, but inspired from) What if this question being asks to you? or what if these circumstances happen to you? What are your responses? These situations are based on Mattew 19 (The Rich Man) and 20 (The Vineyard Workers).

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The Rich Man

We know the story about the rich man who doesn't want to give up his money. But, what if this question is for you.  'Jesus asked you, "If you wish to be perfect - to have the spiritual maturity, go and sell what you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me." 

What on earth?! Sell everything and give the money to the poor?! Just to follow Jesus? How many of you that would be shocked? Let be honest, this is a hard question. 

Luckily this is not about giving up all our money. Jesus didn't ask us to sell what all we have. It doesn't mean that we are not allowed to have much money or be rich. 

This is all about your heart (thought) - the things you will always be focused on. And where you put your faith. 

Referring to Mat 6:21 for where your treasure is, there your heart [your wishes, your desires; that on which your life centers] will be also. ' Matthew 6:21 NLT

In this case, the young rich man put it in his wealth and status.

'Jesus said to His disciples, "I assure you and most solemnly say to you, it is difficult for a rich man [who clings to possessions and status as security] to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man [who places his faith in wealth and status] to enter the kingdom of God." 'Matthew 19:23-24 AMP

Peter left his carrier as a fisherman and his family to follow Jesus. 

I think at one point of our Christianity journey, we will have these questions:

Would you dare to leave behind ______* to follow Jesus? Do you trust Him 100%?

(*fill the blank: dreams, carrier, family, community, habit, etc.) 

Note: The things that you leave it's not something that you think is bad. It could be something that you have, and you are so proud of. Everyone would be challenged differently. 

The Vineyard Workers

A dollar a day is a symbol of the reward of inheriting eternal life. No matter who is following Jesus first or later in their life, we have the same rewards - eternal life.  

Nine o'clock workers

What if you are the early workers. 

What if you already join an organization for so long (work/ministry), and suddenly there's a new kid get promotions faster than you. What is your response? 

What if you pray for a miracle, but other people get it first, and you are still waiting. How is your response? 

Five o'clock workers

What if you are the last worker.

How do you stay grounded when you know you had a favor or promotion? Would you boast about that and make others jealous of you? (Just like Joseph's case) Or would you stay calm and help others to guard their heart? 

Who do you give credit to? Is it because of your own strength, or do you realize that it is all from God?

Take Away

It is easy to judge people, 'ooh, that rich guy he could not leave his wealth behind,' 'ooh those early workers are jealous,' 'ooh the last worker is so lucky.' 

WHAT IF we are in their positions? What is your response? Of course not that easy, Ferguso!


  • Where do you put your heart, thought, and desires?

  • Do you trust God if He asks you to leave your comfort zone and step to the unknown?

  • How do you guard your heart?

  • Are you sure you can have the right response?


This post is my personal notes from the Westmark Bible Study assignment. So, every week we read two chapters together and share what we learned or found from them. Let’s learn and grow together.


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