Even When In Isolation

Is it true that 'You can't grow in isolation?' This quote is from Rick Warren and is being used by many churches' campaigns to teach people why they need to join the connect-group - a small community within the church. 

We see that many people feel isolated during the pandemic, affecting their faith and relationship with God. Online service is not the same as offline service. People meet up with fewer people. Not everyone could serve in ministry like they used to. Some of you may experience different life seasons that make you feel alone. I don't know your life situation right now, but sometimes there's a condition that makes us feel isolated. So, how to deal with this kind of situation? Is it true you can't grow your faith in isolation?

Let's learn together from Apostle Paul. This article is my personal notes for Westmark Bible Study. To understand appropriately, please read Act 23-24. But here's the backstory to help you understand the context.

We are reading the book of Acts, and we can see how Holy Spirit leads, protect and arrange Paul's life in supernatural ways. Paul is a missionary who preaches Gospel for the Gentiles - the non-Jewish. During Paul's third mission trip, Holy Spirit leads him back to Jerusalem. Not only that, but Holy Spirit also reveals to several of his colleagues that Paul would be captured there. Some of them try to persuade Paul not to go back there. But he insists on ongoing, and the visions become true. Indeed Paul gets arrested in Jerusalem. A huge riot tries to seize Paul, and he almost gets killed. But the Roman soldier came right on time and protected him. Paul also revealed his identity as Roman citizenship. As a result, Paul will get the Roman trial by the law. 

The Courage

After the first trial - before the Supreme Council, for the second time, God appears personally to Paul and assures him, "it's going to be all right," "take courage!." It seems humans need several reminders of encouragement because we easily forget things and feel down, especially when we are in a challenging situation. 

Step by Step

But, not just an assurance but also God reveals another mission: "For just as you have spoken for me in Jerusalem, you will also speak for me in Rome." Before this time, Paul only knew that he needed to go to Jerusalem. But, it turned out there was a grand plan beyond that. Do you notice that God informed the plan step by step? Rome is the center of politics and culture at that time. So, speaking in Rome means bringing Gospel to a greater impact. 

Welcome to Paul's new chapter - the fourth mission, "Journey to Rome." A journey of multiple trials.

There was another plot to kill Paul, but the Roman commander got the inside information. So he sent Paul to Caesarea for the following trial under maximum protection. 

Orchestrates 'The Freedom.'

His second trial is with governor Felix in Caesarea.

Somehow Holy Spirit also orchestrates through the governor. He grants' freedom' to Paul. So, Paul's friends could visit him during his imprisoned time, and they could take care of his needs while he was under house arrest.

That's good news, right? Indeed! But, we need to know more about his life condition and situation. 

What did it look like when Paul was imprisoned? 

The Bible wrote that two times Paul was under house arrest (Act 24, 28:30). It means he rents his own house, fully guarded by the Roman soldier, and he got chained. However, the under-house arrest is relatively comfortable because he is a Roman citizen. Compared to Non-Roman citizen who is often harshly treated. It said 'relatively comfortable,' but it is not as comfortable as your modern imagination. Remember that this circumstance is an ancient Roman era. The Romans prisons were terrible. So, people either bribe the officials to release them/give them some privileges, or the others simply commit suicide. 

Most prisoners needed to provide their own food (delivered by an outsider). Also, including Paul, he needs to supply his own food and clothes. That's why he depended on other fellows. 

The trials take roughly around five and one and a half years. 

Who came to visit Paul?

Yes, Paul gets the freedom to host a visitor. But, who wants to come and help? So I tried to find out (please help me correct if you have more data). The Bible only writes three names: Timothy, Onesimus, and Luke (2 Timothy 4:11"Only Luke is with me"). So, maybe there are more than three friends. I don't know for sure. But, most likely, the people who come are not as much as he used to (Compared to his previous mission trip when he was ministering in multiple cities. Friends and colleagues always surrounded him).

What does it mean? For the last 6,5 years of Paul's life, he has been imprisoned, chained, and isolated. As a result, not so many people interact face-to-face with him. Remember, there was no video call technology at that time. 

Let's think again

That's why I remember that quote, 'You can't grow in isolation.' Because in this story, we see otherwise. Undoubtedly, we are easily growing and fruitful when surrounded and planted in a healthy community. And that's true; it is way harder to grow and make an impact on life while we are in isolation. So that's why maybe this quote needs an updated version. 'You could grow better together.'

Paul's Legacy 

From Paul, I learned that his faith grows stronger even though he is isolated. During this time, Paul created his ministry's legacy that people still could feel the impact thousand of generations after him. He couldn't do the ministry like old days. No more preaching in the synagogue but evangelizing to the Roman officials. He reinvented his ministry through writing. It's not because of the letter to the churches but because it was personal and vulnerable about his struggle. That's why we can relate to his life.

So, there is no reason not to grow or be fruitful when you are in isolation. Maybe there was a time that we were isolated, felt alone, had no community support like we used to or ministry. But remember, the same faithful God who protects and gives Paul's strength is also your God; Holy Spirit is your comforter and the mastermind who orchestrates the unseen things. Ask God to reveal the purpose of this season. God could send people in your life, even though not much, but they are like hope and light, so you don't feel alone. He also gives us the same assurance, 'TAKE COURAGE!' 

There is no more reason not to be devoted even when in isolation. 

This post is my personal notes from the Westmark Bible Study assignment. So, every week we read two chapters together and share what we learned or found from them. Let’s learn and grow together.

About the writer

Priscilla RVR is a visionary optimist. She believes in to always start with what you have in your hand. To add value and empower people to be better


A lifetime battle: Fight Against The Insecure Virus.


The Cultural Clash