Insecure Virus Symptom

Other people can see who get infected with insecure virus, but often that person doesn’t realize or won’t admit (yet).


What is the symptom?

This is the main symptom:

  • You have trouble fully trusting yourself and other people.

  • You lost your confidence.

  • You feel that you are not enough.

  • Covered with fear and anxiety.

  • Feel uncertain and unsafe.

  • You accept to much into what other people say.

  • You need reassurance and validation from others.

The manifestation of this thought could be variant depend on the area of life; such as in relationship, self image, leadership, workplace, and so on.

In other words..

You are not yourself. You doubt yourself (and others). This is not you! In the acute situation you didn’t even recognize yourself anymore. It’s like a different person. You forgot your good quality or even your achievement.

We need other people to help us to see the insecurity - to acknowledge and get healed. We need mirrors to see the things that we cannot see by ourself.

Be grateful if we have people who are willing to tell us what we need to hear. Saying directly into our face with love. Not just a friend who are positive and told what we want to hear. They told the ugly truth because they care.

I am forever grateful for them.


Parenting - Relationship Before Rules By Dr Robi Sondereger


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