#3 Do you know who you are?

It all begin from the inside of you. From the inside - out. Do you know who you are?

You don’t need other people to validate who you are. Know who you really are! Not based on other people think. Not just quoting from the Bible verse. Look how far God has brought you here. All the marvellous things he has done through your life.


When you are a child, you hear your parents told about yourselves. It helps to build your self image. The more we grow older, do we need to listen what other person said to you? The answer is Yes and No! Sometimes we forgot who we are. We need a little bit reminder. Sometimes the way people treat us or say to us, makes us forgot the quality that we have. Makes us doubt.

It depend who is saying it to you and on what agenda. Some people are honest, some people really care and want the best out from you, some people not really know what they said, some people are just nasty.

Some people think they know who they are because they can quoting a lot of Bible verse. But do you really know what it meant for you? Do not just quoting from the Bible verse. Yes, the Bible filled with words of God that remind us who we are in God’s eye, why He create us. God made you with specific purpose. No one is the same.

Back to the question. Do you really know who you are? What is your strength, weakness, the things that always burns inside of you. Do you know what God has stored in your life? He put all the potential, skills for a specific purpose. He put us in such a nations, place and era like now. Do you know it? Do you use it? Everyone has a different calling, different personal missions, different ‘WHY’.

Do you really know it? How to know about yourself? Not just by knowing your name. The answer is by looking backward - how far God has brought you here. Remember all the marvellous things he has done through your life. You will find a red line. That somehow always they’re in every season of your life. The core strength of your life. No matter what your role, status or even season; Your calling is still the same. Your calling is your ‘Why you do what you do’.

Why God give you this strength, weakness, personality, ability, skin colour, born in this family, and the list goes on. For some people, your strength is too intimidating. “You are too vocal! You are out of your mind. No body done that before. You are too brave.” All the other opinions will drive you crazy if you don’t know for what purpose do you live.

Finding your ‘WHY’ may take time to process, thinking and reveal it. And it’s OK. We need a lot of self reflection. A deep thinking, go to the inside of ourself. To have a self reflection is not as easy as you think. Just like everyday we need a mirror to see how the way we dressed up or do our make up. We also need other people - friends to be our mirror. Their opinions is not to validate you. But, to help you to see things that you can’t see by yourself. Often God send people to your life to remind you all the good quality that you have. Things that you have done, that touch others people life.

For me personally, lately, somehow God send so many random friends and people to remind me about the good quality, the victory that I had, all God’s goodness in my life. Suddenly my friend send me a song that I wrote and compose 6 years ago. A song project of HOPE. It called “You have hope”. My reaction was “How come suddenly you remember this song?”. She said “Somehow all the day I remember this song”. My other friends also send me a video of people in the hospital singing the song that I wrote years ago. Do you think this is coincidence? I think God send me a reminder to keep on writing. To remind me my “why'“.

When you know the WHY as clear as possible, you know WHO you are in God’s perspective and also from yourself perspective. Your “WHY’ is like the north star that guide you even in the middle of dark. You will be not easily discourage just because there’s some people who can’t see the real inside of you - what you have done - all the God’s victory in your life. Because you know who you really are. And you know that you don’t need other people validation.

Knowing your identity is your strong basic foundation of life. Knowing that God has made you as a masterpiece. Your security will affected how the way you treat others and how the way you raising up generations.

Question: Do you know who you are? Do you find your WHY and know the real you?

My pray for you that God will send you a lot of people as reminder of all the good quality that He put in your life. That you will find a genuine friend to be your mirror. That you will find your why and know who you really are.

About the writer

Priscilla RVR is a visionary optimist. She believes in to always start with what you have in your hand. To add value and empower people to be better


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