
God doesn’t use us because we are READY. He used us because we are willing to say YES LORD!

Don’t let anyone let you down just because they think that you are not ready. Just because they cannot see it; that doesn’t mean that God doesn’t use you. Ready or not based on human standard is not God’s barometer.

How do you know that someone is ready? By giving them tons of exams, trials or probations?! Don’t get me wrong. Yes, we absolutely need to have a certain standard of requirement for certain task. Like if you want to be part of the music team. Off course you need to be passed the auditions first.

The question is if they already passed all the requirement, how do you know that someone is ready? What next?! Do you keep on waiting?

The right focus to know that someone is ready or not is just try it. Do we give them a plenty chance to do what they can do? Just like a parent saw their children. How do you know that they are ready to walk? to eat by them self? The answers is we don’t know! Absolutely they have all the potential. What we can do is to give them a safe place to explore and to try. Until one day the show it by themselves that they are able to do what to do.

Raising up until they are ready to do something like your standard is a messy-worth it-process. They need a chance to try and to explore. We need to give them a room to make mistakes. To say it’s okay to make mistakes. The goal is not perfection. To try again when it failed. To encourage them to be better. Be with them. To protect them from the harm.

The same principles are applied to raising up for adult - for organisation - for a ministry - business - family and so on. To grow the people. To help them to unleash their potential.

For example, ‘How do you know that someone is ready to leading worship? or leading a connect group?’ When you saw the potential in that people, just give them an opportunity to try. Trust them! Give the trust. There’s no other way. You’ll never now they are ready or not if you don’t give them a chance. Trust and encourage them. Give them room to make mistakes. No one start something and instantly become expert. Don’t be surprised if one day they could be better than you. And it makes you so proud of them.

The opportunity you gave must not just in one shot. If you give just one shot and after that you didn’t give them to try again, it mean you are not really want to raise-care of that people. You just “used” others for a replacement because no body can do it. Or for whatever reason. It’s kind of manipulation. Did God just give you one chance only? If you failed, then you are done? No right?!

Do you want to raise up which kind of people? Just a worshipper (a follower who follows whatever you said) or you want to raise the worshipper who will build another worshipper (a leader)?

To raising up others you don’t have to be parent first, you don’t need a leader status/role. Leadership is influence. Has nothing to do with status or role of who you are. Wherever you are you can influence other. You also don’t need a certain school, trainee or certification to do this. God already put everything that you need inside of you. God often use the (un)qualified people - the underdog people - the broken people to do the big things for His glory. What you need to do is just the willingness to say Yes Lord!

Do you know that there is people who look up to you. In secrecy or in public, they notice what you do. How the way you treat others, how the way you put your priority of life, how the way you handle a problem. It could be your friends, your sister, your brother, your parents, you workers, your college and so on. You might be the only Bible that they read. You live is the Message.

He doesn’t wait until someone is ready first. None of the bible heroes become the heroes because they are ready, fully equipped, pass some trials first. God use them because they are willing to say YES LORD! Use me! God use their imperfection for His glory. He is the one who are busy preparing us. So, don’t be afraid and thinking that you are not ready, or even not worthy. God is asking for people who are willing to TRUST Him.

Question: Are you willing to say YES LORD to His calling?

Would you pray together with me this simple dangerous pray? A pray that would change your trajectory of your life.

“This is me Lord, use me Lord. Amen”.


Lift Up and Lower Our Hands - by Sidney Mohede


No Authority?