Complex by Kenny Goh

This note is part of the Wisdom Series.

Wisdom is the ability to distinguish right from wrong, the ability to discern matters. In this new ‘normal’ season, you and I will face many challenges. Let me introduce to you two terms in relation to the challenges we’re about to face: 


Mysterious and Complex.

Some challenges ahead of us are mysterious by nature. 


Means difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or identify. 

‘Complex’ or ‘Complicated’

Its definition is, consisting of many different and connected parts.

So many of the problems and challenges we face are mysterious or complex by nature. Either mysterious or complex.

I'll explain more in-depth.

For MYSTERIOUS case: We need FAITH to deal with them - to have MIRACLE.

Because we don't understand, we don't know where to start, we don't know how to come up with a solution, and so we need faith, and we need to pray to God. In the hope that our prayers will yield a miracle.

For COMPLEX case - we need WISDOM - to make the RIGHT DECISIONS.

Meanwhile, if we see something as a problem or a challenge that's complicated or complex, we need WISDOM to lead us to the right decisions.

Many of the challenges we face result in us thinking, "I'm not sure what to do. I don't know who to consult with. So I'll just pray. We hope that God would help us in getting the right answer and miracles. 

But, if we look closer, in many things we can say "Hey you know what maybe this problem isn't impossible, it's just complicated. We only need to figure it out." In which case, we need the wisdom to make the right decision. 

Last week Ps. Jeffrey briefly mentioned how we can discern between when to exercise faith and when to exercise wisdom. The keys lie in two words: 

'Knowledge' and 'understanding.' 

If we have knowledge and understanding, then things were once mysterious to us will become solvable regardless of its complexity. 

I'm going to give you an example. When I was in elementary school, I was not good at math. 

So, when the exams came around, I remember when I was given questions that I didn't understand at all. I looked at the math formulas, it's such a mystery to me. I tried my best, but I still could grasp it. It seemed impossible for me to find the answer. So, do you know what I did instead? I prayed to God. I put my faith in Him. 'Help me! Can You somehow whisper the answers into my heart or ears? Help me!'

I mean, perhaps, if it were a multiple choice, you would just push your luck. 'Oh, God led me to choose this one.' But for most of my friends, what was a mystery to me (the math test) was just a set of complex problems. Which they were able to solve. They didn't even need to pray because they have studied well, and they understood. They used wisdom to solve the math problems that were given to them. 

If we did' t understand something, we would rely on prayer and faith. But, when we understand something, when we have learned something, we will then have the wisdom to solve all those problems. 

Here's a simple example using maths.

You don't need faith to answer this question correctly.


Because you already know 1+1=2 or to answer 2x2, you don't need faith - well, I hope you don't need faith, yes?

But imagine if someone comes up to you and says, "Did you know that 2x2=9?". You will say, "No, that's wrong!" You have just shown your ability to distinguish right from wrong. Because of what you know and what you understand, you can use wisdom to discern between right and wrong. 

That leads me to state my main point for you today.

Life is complex but not mysterious.

Life is complicated. Life has so many parts that need discernment. Life is hard, not easy, and complex. But life doesn't have to be mysterious. Life is hard but not impossible. Some things are complex. 

Many things in life are complex, but they shouldn't be mysterious. Did you know that leadership is complex but does not to be mysterious? Did you know that business is complex? But business doesn't have to be something mysterious. Did you know that relationship is complex? But it does not have to be mysterious. Our health can be complex, but it doesn't have to be mysterious. 

Talking about the components of wisdom, there are three fundamental one's components:

We need KNOWLEDGE, to know the "WHAT. We need to know what we are dealing with and what we have to solve.  

We must know the reason, "WHY." We need to get UNDERSTANDING. 

And finally, we must know the "HOW." That is what we call WISDOM.

We will not be able to act or decide wisely if we don't have an understanding and knowledge of the matter. 


"We grow in wisdom when what is mysterious becomes obvious to us." 

I may previously think, "Oh, this is something we should just have blind faith in. We should pray about it." But when we study and then understand, we'd realize that "Oh, apparently this is something that can to be solved. This is something we can actually master. This is something we can understand."

"We grow in wisdom when what is mysterious becomes obvious to us."

Well, why is this? Why do we have to study and investigate? Because since the beginning of creation, God has made it so.

Let's read:

'God conceals the revelation of his word in the hiding place of his glory. But the honor of kings is revealed by how they thoroughly search out the deeper meaning of all that God says.' Proverbs 25:2

What does it mean? God has placed, and He has hidden -that is His glory- He has concealed many matters of this life. If you want to rule, lead, manage, a command like a proper king, then we have to learn to love investigating everything. 

If we investigate, study, search for knowledge, and understanding, we can act wisely. And that's then when you and I will experience "glory." We were created for this. We will experience joy when we love to search out everything that God is concealing. 

The good news is this. You may think, "Wow, this seems really overwhelming. It seems so many things to do. Is it really impossible to learn everything in this world?"

'Wisdom is the most valuable commodity—so buy it! Revelation knowledge is what you need—so invest in it!' Proverbs 4:7

The Word of God has given us an imperative command. This must become a priority: GET UNDERSTANDING.

'The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. 'Proverbs 4:7 NIV

'Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do! And whatever else you do, develop good judgment.' Proverbs 4:7 NLT

Cost all you have - even though we have to pay a high price, it even says 'all you have", everything we have.- Get understanding.

First, The Word of God has taught us to do it all. The more we understand a subject matter, we are called an 'expert.' 


When I am sick, I want to see an expert. Who understands my physiology. I will visit a doctor who is an expert to examine my organs and so on. I want to eat food prepared by experts in cooking - chef. An expert chef would know exactly what to add to or edit from a dish. If it needs to be cooked longer or not, or the timing. An expert chef would know those stuff. He has the wisdom to make the right decision and execute it. A health expert can give you advice. How you can live healthier. 

The more we understand and master something, we are called an expert.

'By wisdom the Lord laid the earth's foundations, by understanding he set the heavens in place; by his knowledge the watery depths were divided, and the clouds let drop the dew. '

Proverbs 3:19-20 NIV

From the beginning of creation, God has established mechanisms, patterns, and systems for everything around us. God did not randomly create the earth. He didn't think, "Oh, just put this color; looks okay. Just shape it like this; looks fine." Not at all. He planned it. He was intentional. He understood, and He worked with wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. 

This is good news for us. Because if you truly understand this. It means that everything we see can be learned. We can study everything around us. We can search it out and gain wisdom. 

'Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment.' Proverbs 9:10

Surely this verse speaks about knowing God personally because He is the source of wisdom. But He also talked about respect and fear of God, our creator. It means that we respect and submit to His laws. The law that I'm referring to here is not the Law of Moses. It is the laws of nature. These are the principles that we must learn, search, understand, then obey.

If you do not obey the laws of nature, the loss is on us. If we obey, submit, and understand the boundaries, you and I will benefit from it. 

The Airplane!

The airplane can fly not because it violates the law of gravity. It is not the case. But because he knew, understood, and utilized the four existing laws of gravity. The inventor of airplanes used the principles: 'The Lift,' 'Thrust' - the power to pace up, 'Force or weight' - which defies by gravity; and 'Drag.' With these four laws, men were able to invent something that can fly. Transporting many passengers over great distances. 

Maybe before understanding these laws, flying was just a prayer. 

"God, when we can fly? When? Make me fly, please?" Maybe mankind used to rely simply on faith and hope to be able to fly. But with knowledge and understanding, mankind gains the wisdom to be able to build something, and invent something that helps them fly.

Did you know that the same principles also apply in life to the dynamics of human relations?

Did you know that there are natural laws as well as many other laws for everything?

There's a law for health, finance, relationship, marriage, and leadership. 

So this is actually good news for those facing a "mystery" in any of these aspects. Perhaps you don't understand, "Why I have not been promoted at all?" "Why does my marriage keep having problems?" 

Just because we don't know the cause doesn't mean there is no cause. Just because we consider it mysterious, t doesn't mean there is no cause. There is a cause. We must search for, study, master, understand, and gain wisdom. 

There are many examples in the Bible, where people use wisdom to make a decision. 

Joseph - Salomo - Nehemia - Ruth - Esther

Joseph. Let's look at Joseph as our first example. Joseph was amazing. God gave him dreams and understanding that in the next few years, Egypt would experience famine. You didn't see God giving Joseph a detailed plan on what to do next. Joseph also didn't ask, "God, what should I do next?" He used wisdom to decide what Egypt must do to the point that it became a superpower.

Solomon. Then there was Solomon. Solomon was the wisest man. When he was confronted with two women, fighting over a child, Solomon knew precisely what to do, he did not ask: "God, how do I solve this?" "This is a mystery." He understood the mother's love. So Solomon ordered that the child be cut in two, which each mother to receive half. Then the false, deceitful mother said: "Oh, go ahead. It is fair to just split this child in half." But the real mother said: "No, I'll let him go because my son's life is more important for me."

Nehemia. A great Book in the Old Testament is full of leadership and management. Not so much about Nehemiah wearing out faith, praying to, or asking God. Nothing wrong with all of that. But we saw that Nehemiah received his mission, his calling. He constructed the walls of Jerusalem. Simply because he was first burdened. Then we saw how he lobbied and engaged in politics with Israeli invaders at the time. And he was successful in building the wall of Jerusalem.  

Ruth. There was no record of how Ruth heard God's voice and then acted in faith. Ruth merely listened to her mother-in-law's advice. There's a "message" there. She listened to her mother-in-law, which led her to find Boaz. 

Esther. In the Book of Esther, there was no record of God's name at all. Ester acted wisely, listening to Mordecai's advice so that she could save her entire nation.

These are outstanding examples in the Bible. 

I guess by now, you might ask: "Okay, I understand now. That life does not have to be a mystery, and there are complex matters where I can apply wisdom to resolve and deal with it. 

But how to get wisdom? Where can I find wisdom?" I am glad you asked. We will learn about that. 

How to get wisdom:

'Wisdom shouts in the streets. She cries out in the public square. She calls to the crowds along the main street, to those gathered in front of the city gate:' Proverbs 1:20-21

This is incredible, Church. If we see here, wisdom shouts, she raises her voice, she calls out again, has her say. It's so loud!!! Notice where the wisdom is: on the streets, in the public squares, at the wall, at the gate. Wisdom is everywhere. If you pay attention to the location, these are places where people in that era used to hang out. They hung out on the streets, at the gate.

How to get wisdom: Wisdom can be found in_____________.

Today you and I may not be roaming around the street much; we don't hang out near walls or gates.

But there is one place where we all hang out. Please pay attention if you're really curious. 

 This is my secret of wisdom. I know this also the secret for many God's servants. This is the secret of how many of my friends can make wise business decisions. This is the secret of how many of my friends can have extraordinary relationships and marriage. They understand where to seek wisdom. Are you ready? Take out your pen, get ready to take notes or screenshots. 

How to get wisdom:

Wisdom can be found on the internet. 

Yup! You didn't read it wrong. You heard it from this sermon, wisdom can be found on the internet. Before you give pushback and say, what is this?

Today, you are watching this online service on the internet. Today, you are listening to the teaching of wisdom on the internet. In our church, JPCC, we provide "Wise Parenting" videos. We provide videos for business people and marketplace, "A Cup of Wisdom in the Marketplace" on YouTube. 

Wisdom can be found on the internet. This (internet) is the place you visit every day with your smartphone, laptop, or smart TV. Wisdom can be found on the internet.

If I could rewrite that same verse, Proverbs 1:20-21, into the modern 21st-century version in 2020, I would call it "Kenny Goh's Version,":

"Wisdom shouts on Instagram. On Twitter, she raises her voice. On YouTube, she calls out. On Zoom Webinar, she has her say." Proverbs 1:20-21 (KGV)

If you want to find wisdom, it's available on the internet. But some of my friends said to me, "Ken, to be honest, I'm curious as to all the articles you forwarded, all the content you got, where you get it? If I open Instagram and Twitter, all contents are junk." That's what my friends said.  

The question is simple:

Who do you follow?

What channels do you subscribe to? What blogs are included in your feed? Who do you follow?

This determines whether or not you'll get wisdom every time you log online. 

'Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.' Proverbs 13:20

When we interact, we have to understand that the internet is bringing people all over the world closer. We are connected through the internet. If you're connected with the wise, you'll become wise. But if you're connected with the fools, then you'll suffer harm. 

Follow wise people!

Follow wise people on the soc-med. I'm not saying that you can't follow those f" funny" accounts on soc-med. In fact, it's important to follow such an account these days. But please follow wise people too. Follow and subscribe to the wisdom available on the internet. 

Maybe you're thinking, "That's so simple. It's not hard at all." Because it's not as simple as you think. Why? Because there's an impression that a wise is boring. And a fool who is full of drama is fun.


Wise Person = Boring

Fool = Drama!

Have you ever watched TV series or movies without a plot twist from beginning to end? No conflict in the marriage life, the children obey their parents, the business runs smoothly. It's not fun at all!! No fun! No drama! And this becomes a trap for all of us. Sometimes the drama and the fools attract us more than the wise. I want to urge you today. Please follow wise people on the Internet!

Follow wise people on the Internet!

We start from here. You may thin, "Where do I start?" Start from here! Pay attention to your feed. Look at whom you follow and whom you subscribe to. 

Life is complex but not mysterious. Life can be complex and complicated, but it doesn't have to be mysterious. With wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, we can face together the things that were once mysterious. 

Let me close with this: 

Wisdom is available for us 

And everything in this life can be solved with wisdom. But there's one thing in the Bible, especially in the New Testament, that keeps repeating, "Let this one remain mysterious." Why? Because the writer didn't understand how to explain it. 

'For God wanted them to know that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. And this is the secretChrist lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory.' Colossians 1:27

It's a mystery why God still loves us all and wants to stay and be close to us. We don't understand why He sacrificed for us who have failed, ignorant, and still making mistakes. He still came for us. Dies for us gave His life, and whoever believes in Him will have life and eternal relationship with Him. 

'"The queen of Sheba#11:31 Greek The queen of the south. will stand up against this generation on judgment day and condemn it, for she came from a distant land to hear the wisdom of Solomon. Now someone greater than Solomon is here—but you refuse to listen. 'Luke 11:31

Jesus, who is wiser than Solomon. He has wisdom because He is God and our Creator. What a mystery. He wants to live in us. And each of us can call on His name, hope in Him, and ask Him for wisdom. Any time we ask. It will be available. SO you and I do not have to live full of mystery in this world. But we can live in wisdom to complete every complex challenge before us. 

Ask Him for wisdom. 

PriscillaRVRnotes is my notes collections of the people that I learn from. Since 2013, I intentionally take a note as details as I can. The goal is to learn (unconsciously) how to be a better writer and to re-read what I have learned. Now it’s the time to share with others.


Refuse To Give UP


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