#Introduction - What is in your hand?


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Never cross in my mind that I would be living in Europe - Netherlands. I am a dreamer. An Indonesian girl who dreamed that someday I can travel all around the world and study abroad. But moving out of my country? Nope.. Not in a my bucket list.   

But..  Tadaaa... Here I am now in the Netherlands. Starting a new life with my husband Michael Roos van Raadshoven. Yes.. He is a Dutch guy. I am marrying a Netherlander.

So many people asked us “How do you meet up?”  We meet up in Sydney Australia after Hillsong Conference 2015 trough our mutual best friend. Audrey and Yun is our matchmaker. Best friend gets best friend.  Several month after that trip, we decided to have a long distance relationship. From Jakarta - Sydney; Jakarta - Netherland; for two years. Oh, thank God for the technology - facetime. It makes our life easier through the distance and time difference.  

When we are still dating, we know one of us will make a big sacrifice and moved to the other side of the world. The chance is 50 - 50. Both of us visit each other hometown and see how we can see the future.  The time is come when we have to make a big decision.  Michael said we are going to live in Netherland. At that time I was a little bit protest with God. “Why in the Netherlands? Seriously, God?!” FYI, both of us is an entrepreneur. In my head, it’s easier to build companies in Indonesia than in Netherland. Because the regulations, culture, etc. 

Suddenly Holy Spirit spoke to me. He brings me back my memory when I’m leading worship in JPCC at Upper-room. Long time ago, way before I met with Michael. At that time I was singing Ocean from Hillsong. The lyrics are “  *“Spirit leads me when trust is without border. Let me walk upon the water. Wherever You would call me....”* When I sang “Wherever You would call me..” Deep down in my heart, I said to God “Wherever You would call me, I will follow”. Holy Spirit just reminds me with the promise that I made. He simply said “Now, I want that from you”. God has called me to the unknown.

I’m speechless. No word to argue or said. No more protest. I choose to believe Him. Even though in head, I have thousand of question about how I can do my next season. Deep down I still have worries and so many unconscious anxieties. Can I speak Dutch fluently? How long to learn until I can speak fluently? I know some people who lived in Netherland so many years but they can’t speak fluently. That fact makes me scared. Can I adapt to the new culture? The weather? What kind a work that I can do? Can we build our own company? Will I get a good community just like I have now in Indonesia? When can I serve or singing again? Who will be replacing me in my company? Are they going to be okay?  

The struggle is real, but at the same time I’m so excited to see my new season. I choose to believe in His way. All my inner circle friends, specially Date Westmark and JPCC Worship, they keep on encouraging me. Reminds me do not be afraid. God reminds me that my identity is not based on what I’m doing or what I have. My identity is based on Him. That I’m a child of God. I’m no longer a slave to fear. 

As you know this year is like a quantum leap year. A huge change happen in my life. New season. Leaving Indonesia for good. Leaving all my dear family and friends. My work and my ministry. God chose me to the unknown. God have won me the victory before I even believed.

This year I was chosen to sing “Kita Dipilih” (We Are Chosen) at JPCC Worship live recording. I believed that nothing happens in coincidence. That song speaks loud to myself.  It’s a reminder that we are chosen to share His mighty act. Not just me. We are the chosen one. He chose all the His son and daughter to living according to His purpose. He appointed and placed and purposefully planted you in the place you belong right now. He anointed us to do His will. To trust Him completely.  

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“You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and I have appointed and placed and purposefully planted you, so that you would go and bear fruit and keep on bearing, and that your fruit will remain and be lasting, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name [as My representative] He may give to you.” JOHN 15:16 AMP

Now I have to start everything from beginning again with my husband. Just like when God asked Moses, “What is that in your hand?” We are starting a new season with everything that's in our hand. Do it mightily what is in your hand. 

> “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” Zechariah 4:10 NLT

I want to dedicate this blog to the people who starting a new season just like me or people who preparing their new season ahead. Season comes and season go. Change is one of the most constant things that happen in our life. Not everyone like changes. But like it or not, we have to deal with changing. You cannot avoid it. You need to embrace a season of change; step out of your comfort zone and see new possibilities open up” 

This blog is also a reminder for us and myself. To see and how to use mightily what God put in our hands. For all that I can remember and testify is all my achievement is just because favor of God. So many times I have to start with something so small. I don’t have much privilege to begin with the ideal start. I don’t have much capital or resource as I want it. But I just do faithfully with what I have and the result is often beyond my imagination. That’s why I wrote this series. 

I don’t know what season you are in now. Whatever it is, everything that you need is your hand. God already put the seeds of the future in our hands. A small seeds that often we are overlook and didn’t realize. The seeds are in a form of tangible and intangible asset. Do you want to know more? Keep on following this blog series. Let’s learn and grow together. 


“Your future is not ahead of you but inside of you. Stop looking around and start looking on the inside” - Ps. Jeffrey Rachmat




Priscilla RVR is a visionary optimist. She believes in to always start with what you have in your hand. To add value and empower people to be better.




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