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Growing Big People - By Paul Scanlon

We often think growing by things not people.

Top 10 observation about Big People

People grow then things grow

Sometimes we are busy growing things, not people. The size of organization, longevity, is in the people , and not in things. Growing people first. Not things first.

When people grow, when we get the better version of you, everything will be better.. your love, your ethic, ets become better. It’s hard to measure the grow people. Its easier to measure things.

People grow in different time, pace, ways. No one size fits all. And its okay. Don’t compare other people season with us.

Don't Put small people in charge of big things

It happens in politic, organization etc.

What happen?

We didnt check wjeater or not they are big people or they interested in status. Big things draw people. So we need to be-careful. We tend to give people role. Big labels/status is not big people. If we are dealing with small people.. it will be burn out

Growth is thousands of small steps over years, not a few giant leaps

We have potential. We take a small steps. We didnt feel it like backward steps, and didnt feels like progressive. We didnt see it as forward. But we need to keep on taking. So just chill out, dont panick. You’ve got time. You’ve got decade. And thousand of days to master this art.

Some people stop to reading after graduate.

Growth shouldn't be problem driven

If we wait the problem to growth of you.. we will seal in the complexity in the problem. You grew to fixed it. But you need to grow bigger then your problem. Don’t wait the problem. We become discourage, if we try to fixed the problem. Grow because you can.

Don’t have a one size fits all approach.

We are tough how to be pray, read the bible in some ways.. but we are free to chose. We did just because we are told to do so. And it’s doesnt fit to us. The way we grow could be different. It’s great for you, but maybe not for me.

Industrial Approach. We want hundred of you.. the same kind of people and member. The same behaviour. That’s manifacturing batch

Argicultural Approach.. sowing seeds like farmer. And take a sit back. And wait and see.

Jesus do that.. He allowed them to be who they are

Be specific with encouragement

We need to encouragement in specific. The issue is not the ratio - how much you tell encouragement. One negativity could make you - up to the night. You can forget the forget, but the energy of the negativeity keep on, and bothering you. 50 awesome, dont make you better. Your enemy will always intentional in hurting you. Forensik. So many times we are to general how to encourage. Tell me why I’m awesome?? What do you mean?? We are lazy with encuragement, but our enemy is not lazy with discouragement.

We need to be more forensic and specific encourgement

A problem to solve and a tension to be managed

There’s something in you appear to be problem. If you cannot fix, you are in tention. Problem could be fix, tension need to be managed. Stop trying to solved me. I’m mentally, financial tension. You need a wisdom to manage the tension. Dont try to fix the tension. Tension inside human. We cannot fixed it. Managing tension is far then solving problem. Its a live long process. Demand far more of you as the big problem.

Babies come with teeth

Parents know when baby came without teeth. But it will come. The outcome will be better when it grow organicly. In team building, organization. Its get better with time, changes. So people want to force them out and try to fix it. Just let it stay out interfiereing. Stop become involve. You spend less time talk about it.

Event vs Process

We extracourages event then process. Dont measure in event. Get around growth environments Sometimes we need to go other culture. We need to somewhere else. Build like Disney. High excellent in so many level /area. Things that we dont see in church

The crisis of human flourishing

Human resources is like natural resources.

It’s buried, and expansive resources. Its; not kicking in the surface. But burried inside. Human don'to know what inside of them, and not enough voice to flourish it. A lot of people have briliant life inside of them, and no one told them. People just told that they are not worth anything. It curse by the education system, because one size fits all. How inteliggent are you? \the question is How are you intelligen?

Doesnt count because you are not good in math, language, etc. Teacher were trap in system. The broken system. Education revolutionary - Kens Robinson book. The current system is based on industrial system. Education system intimidate us. To be in that place.

Reprogramming our belief system

Most people doesn't know that this is exist. Your belief system is blocking or flourishing you? You can knot your head about something because the belief system. The human consciousness : 20% conscious, 80% unconsciousness (bellow the radar)

80% thought life is below surface. You cant change behaviour if you dont change your mind. We are here today with internal narative - rooted in your belief system. So if you are believing some certain ways,

The human belief system establish at age 8. You might be 38, but dont know that why you are moody, have a reaction to something..why we have default reaction. You dont know what it is.. it was chosen for you in the 10 years of life.

Children learn by context. Children doesnt learn to be racist. Every nationality have cultural blind spot. The DNA culturally.. that you are inherit.. in those cultural, that you dont remember when you are learn that.. but when you are adult, you did it.

What the possible belief system that we have? Like a juke box/

Belief system is like a juke box

This tune keep on saying when we are adult. Heart vocabulary. So you may want to grow, but we dont know at the same time, we have undermining belief system that aouto pilot - flying our life. Auto pilot that you dont want to do it . Unless we reprogram our belief.

Anger, frustation, unhealty, — would be the symtoms.

To grow.. we need to figure it out. Salomon observed stingy man. Friend who always left their wallet.. didnt pay the drink, movie etc. Stingy person try to be generous. We have attempt is the opposite. To be kind. But we cannot do that, because it drag us back.

We are stuck in plato. This belief system.. doesnt stop you to learn/read that book.. but not knowing the problem is in our self. We think that is in the place/other people. Not realizing.. the source is our self!!

Never stay mentally, emotionally.

Israel died in wilderness, because they had victim mmentallity. The slave mentality. They are in freedom, but still back in the slave mentally.

Pick something.. that we need to fix. Every singel days.. I dont like about this.. we need t do intentionally to do it. After week 1-2 it will be better. If we can sustain the changing system.. it will be easier. After 2-3 months it will change. Its worth it. So reprogramming the auto pilot. What it may be they to you. The better program, the better me.

The Next You

If you commit to be growing person.. you bring a rapid invention. The more you commit, the more you are not in your self current identity. From being single to married. You moving from this version of you to the new you. A lot of these.. if you are commit the growing. There’s a next version of you that waiting. It’s bigger, better, kindness. The version of you now is not bad.. unless you park it.

People track the progress in life with things. What role, job, etc. human progrss with anything to do with things. Just like upgrading to first class but with economy class mindset. So we are upgrade in better life/role/ opportunity, but we are not better. Can you do your job here? Can you adapt in the new culture?

The next things.. whatever it is.. comes out from the next you. Its identity led not opportunity led. But if you are not update.. you will get trouble.

Figuring your self!! Look after yourself! You will never be the same again. Your version af you will not last long.

To move into

Mastering transitions

Cartepillar - butterfly.

The most difficult is the top right. In the middle - in the cocoon.. we feels so confuse, angry, misunderstood.. most people not survive the cocoon. If you open the cocoon before the time, you will find the cartepilar’s soup.. it liquidfy.

When you try to exlain it.. we can articulated.. this is terrible.. the cocoon its so scary. You have to identity suicide, to the previous version of you.. but you dont know that we will be clear as buterfly. You dont know.. that’s why its scary. The worst winter in life.

Transitional has no guidance.

Master the understanding that you are in the cocoon stage. Some people will try to drag you back. You need to let go what in the hand.. can I pay the bill, what can I do?

Imaginal Discs

Inside the cocoon... imaginal discs. The code of butterfly. All of you have the imaginal discs of the next version of you. Like The church in europe.. they park them self. So thats why it stuck. And other churchs is more progresive.

Embracing the next you

Essambling the next you.. more clarity about the next you. It has no name.. but i think I’m build for something else. But I’m born to fly. In the imaginal disc, this tough is came up.

3 components to embracing the next you

Wax On Wax Off

From the karate kids.. some people wants to fast track.. not understandng whats the point of this. Doing the things. Thats why .. the season that you can bearing, on what somethign.. you dont see any value on what you are doing.

Transtiont often no marker. What is the point.. Iam doing this, read this, listen this.. but because we learn it.. it become the massive advantage move!!

Dress for where you are going

Doing thing.. dress as a bride. Do you ever dress to go to special event, but you are not there yet.. no one dress like you.. and you have to annouce why you are dress it. Intentionally to dress.. to the next of you. Go with that emotion. Be courious. Be open to the new idea, exposure. Putting your self into future of you while you are still in old version.

Wearing the next you in the old you setting. It have to push through. Eventually youll be there.

Internal GPS

Every human has internal gps. To get quite in transition.. the still small voice.. gps in the car, its the same with our life. Sometimes gps doesnt say anything. Sometimes when you feel that you are lost, we are asking to the wrong people who want s you to go back into the old you.

Learn to loved with messy, undifined.. until the gps say something. I feel clear.. but it takes a while. Freedom is scary.


Paul Scanlon is a brilliant communicator and teacher who help me to re-found my new voice in writing.

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