Priscilla RVR

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The Cure of Insecurity

When we got the flu, what we need is rest and we will be healed by our self - even without a medicine. That’s how the way it works in the Netherland. Just drink plenty of water and rest! They sort doesn’t believe in medicine (for flu). Paracetamol only. That’s so different with  Indonesia; by the time you’ve got a symptom of the flu, you can drink medicine and wear a mask! Here in the Netherlands no one wears a mask even when they have the flu.

When we are infected with insecure virus, we can’t just “rest” and wait until the insecurity goes away. Time will not heal you. We could be insecure in months, even in years! We don’t heal by itself. The longer we are sick, the more people could get infected. Insecure virus is contagious. We need to fight it! Beat it! Take charge of our life back. 

Here’s some step to cure ourself from the insecurity.

  1. Recognition is the first step toward healing. 

  2. Be open - be vulnerable. Find some help from our circle of friends. Reach out to people. It’s okay not to be open to everyone. Just a selected people. Ask professional help if necessary. The fact that we are open up of our struggle is a sign of strength. 

  3. Change our mindset and focus. Don’t entertain the insecurities thoughts. Get a healthy distraction.  Remember who you are. Remember all the good quality that you have. Remember all your achievement. Remember all the God’s goodness in your life. Look how far God has brought you here. Remember all God’s promises and He is faithful. God has more for your life. 

    Just because you are feeling insecure, doesn’t mean you should be. Just because you are infected, it doesn’t mean you are not awesome! Don’t forget to celebrate all your good qualities.

  4. Confront the issue - our soul need confessions. Start to open up to the people we can trust about what’s bothering us. This is open up level 2. Say the brutal honest about what's going on under the unconsciousness.  Bring that up to the conscious level. Sometimes it looks like a vomit, like a volcano exploding and it’s okay. Sometimes we directly feels better after vomit, right? The same with our soul. Often you will find what is your trigger.  

  5. Speak healing and blessing over your mental health. Write it down as a reminder of who you really are. Your words create your world. 

  6. Surround yourself with the good - godly community. Hold yourself accountable. 

Take a moment to process everything. The healing process is not just in a day. It takes time. 

Remember, you are not alone. This too shall pass. Don’t give up.

Come on fighter!!! Beat the insecurities! You are stronger than you know. You are loved and too precious to be defeated by this ugly virus. 

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