Priscilla RVR

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Michael & Priscilla Wedding

Jakarta, 25 August 2017 . Our one way ticket.. to the 5 stars marriage. Michael & Priscilla Roos van Raadshooven

We are grateful for every wishes, support, presence, blessings and sharing this wonderful moment together with us.

Our heartfelt gratitude : The one and only Jesus Christ Forever His never ending love & blessing upon us Our church Jakarta Praise Community Church (JPCC) Our beloved Pastor Jeffrey Rachmat Our big family, friends & colleagues for all their unconditional love & support. Photo : @tessypenyami Video : Wedding Dress : @Christinawusposa Make Up : @silvyyuriko MC : @mc_rubennuranata (Matrimony) & @ferryhu (Reception) Music : @jpccworship (Matrimony) & Temenan Band (Reception) Cake : @ninaberthac Decoration : @lukaswidianto3007 Sound : @pnp_studio WO : @chikawarouw Place : Kembang Goela

Jakarta, 25 August 2017 Our one way ticket.. to the 5 stars marriage. Michael & Priscilla Roos van Raadshooven We are grateful for every wishes, support, pre...