Priscilla RVR

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Embrace Your Past!

Often we heard the saying, "forget the past." 

Can we really forget it? Usually, we often use this phrase for people with bad/shame - past - experiences. How about good experiences? Should we forget about it? As a matter of fact, no one can forget their past except if you want to be amnesia. The reality is a lot of people just bury their past under the conscious. 

We need to know the right context. No matter what, we cannot just erase it. Don't just forget it but use the past. Embrace it!

Let's identify

Some of you hate or shame with your past so badly. And some others, proud of their past. If you have a terrible-shame history, what we can do is to forgive and to have peace about our previous chapter. If you have a pleasant journey, then you need to remember it. It doesn't mean permit you to stay in the past. Either bad or good,  you need to identify what happened in your earlier life.

If you need it, you can even break it down in a timeline. Write it down. Just like a detective, try to solve a mystery. You will see the puzzle by puzzle. See the red line - the correlation - the link among your previous season. Do you see a pattern? Do you know what makes you change your trajectory of life? Can you see the projection into the future? If you stay at this course, what would happen in your life?


All that behind you is the preparation for all that is set before you. In other words, all that happens in the past shaped who you are right now. And prepare yourself for your next future. 

Even though sometimes now we cannot see it - it feels doesn't make sense - how our past will shape our future. So many times, we cannot see the red lines between them. Why is this happening? Why we have to through some good and bad experience? So many 'why' being asked. It takes time and a reflection of looking back. Then we will be able to understand what's happened. 

Meanwhile - when we don't understand, when our mind could not comprehend - just trust God and trust the process. He is preparing you for your next you. He's been faithful and always be faithful to us. 


So please, don't forget your past, but look deep into yourself - into the past. What is inside of you? What has that God put into your life? Knowing that there is a purpose why you experience something. Either good or bad experience has the mission of preparing your future. 

Use everything within you. It will give you a sense of purpose in your present and future. It makes you understand your life's real mission—the 'why' you do what you do. 

I learned some of these tools for the first time is at the "WHY" class in the JPCC business community.

So many times, I asked myself why I have been work with so many different industries. I realize that my mission - the why - is not like many people. Many people can be in the same profession for so many years, but I'm not. I found my red line: I'm good at managing people-business and marketing no matter what the industry. This is my strength. I also realized that God has a unique way to put me somehow, mostly as an early adopter.  


Show your past, elevate it to show your future. I've got this phrase inspired by George Calombaris Masterchef Australia. One of the tasks is to cook something from your past-childhood food. The contestant needs to elevate that home cook into the level of Masterchef. They were challenged to improve and upgrade it. And challenged accepted so brilliantly. They could not be a Masterchef if they forgot their roots. 

Your past and your root play a crucial role in your future. Don't forget about it. I think Kamala Harris would not be nominated for the vice president if she didn't feel proud to be Indian Americans. As a matter of fact, her past gives her a strategic advantage position.

I'm Indonesian, who lived in the Netherland. I will be a bloody fool if I forgot my roots and try to be a Dutch. Of course, I'm adapting and adjust my life. I speak Dutch and learn how the way the Dutch culture works. But that doesn't mean I forgot my origins. In fact, because I miss Indonesian food and all the street food, I try to cook by myself. I try to bring the Indonesian flavor to my table. I elevate my cooking skills. 

This is also affecting how the way I want to raise our son. I speak Indonesia to him because I want him to understand his mother language. And one day, he could communicate with all his family and friends in Indonesia. I want him also to be proud of being Dutch-Indonesian. So, we intentionally talk like that. We are speaking 3 languages at home: English, Dutch, and Indonesia.

I devoted myself to helping people be better, empowering them because I had so many mentors & leaders who trusted, invested, and empowered me. They bring out the best of me. That's why I love to pay it forward by empowering other people. To see other people shine. 

So, how about you? Stop looking outside; your future is inside of you. Your future starts now.