Priscilla RVR

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Book Review: Own The Moment by Carl Lenz

Carl Lenz thank you for writing this book! I’m so blessed. Thank you for writing from your heart. Thank God you do not listen to your teacher that said you couldn’t write. What comes from heart will touch people’s hearts.

Things that I learned:

Please remind yourself that nobody is interested in your potential. Potential never change the world. I don’t think the God who created you is interested in your potential. I think the God that I believe in is not on the search for “perfect” people. He’s on search for “available” people.

Our perspective on our past holds so much power that we need to take control over it, make sure we own it. And that it does not, in fact, own us.

The moment we talk about what scares us, it begins to lose its power on our lives. Sometimes all we need is another set of eyes on the situation to remind us that we can get through anything.

You are a mess. But you’re under construction. You will be until you die.

Just because our days at time look unspectacular doesn’t mean that something supernatural is not around the corner.

Ownership produces value. When you own something, it reflects you, it affects you and it projects you.

PriscillaRVRnotes is a notes collections of the people that she learn from. Since 2013, she intentionally take a note as details as she can. The goal is to learn (unconsciously) how to be a better writer and to re-read what she have learned. Now it’s the time to share with others.

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