Priscilla RVR

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Embrace Your Uniqueness to Know God through Local Church. 

God has created everyone differently and with their uniqueness. No one is the same; even twins are not the same. How you see things, the background of your life story, education, where you live, and culture play a part in your journey of knowing God. 

We could all read the same Bible story or verse. Still, everyone has their own unique perspective and may experience different impacts on their lives. Your background, education, culture, maturity, and heart condition affect how you receive the message. We all have biases. The Bible is not only for the scholar, teacher, or pastor. It's available for all of us - so that the regular people can read it by yourself. There is freedom to understand the Bible in your unique way, which can empower you in your spiritual journey. 

That's why many types of teaching, doctrine, liturgy, music, and churches exist. Each church has its own unique way of preaching and talking about Jesus—some with a more traditional approach, some with a modern approach. Some prefer quiet music, and some enjoy hype and loud music. Some focus on specific topics, while others cover a range of issues. A church in a big city will differ from one in the middle of the jungle. One may have a full sound system and lighting, while the other may only have a guitar and sing with only their voices. It all depends on where and who they are. Each church has a different DNA and identity. It's not about one being better than others; It's just different. That's the beauty of the big C "Church," the body of Christ. So, we need to appreciate and celebrate the diversity of the church.

How does our uniqueness impact our spiritual journey with God as Christians?

To help you to find your local church.

I believe we need to be planted in the local church to help us grow in Christ. Nobody can grow in isolation. We need others to help, pray for us, and be accountable. We need to intentionally make friends and have a Godly community surround us. 

It is too dangerous to live alone. The Bible has a parable about the lost sheep. The one who is easily lost is the one who walks in wandering alone without their flock and away from the shepherds. The enemy quickly targets them. Do not think that you are forever safe and sane. Sometimes, at one point in our lives, we could be lost. We are not always strong and healthy in spirit. And this is normal. We are still human. That's why we need communities to guard each other. 

Your circle of friends will influence your thoughts and decisions. If you surround yourself with the wrong people, you will likely make bad decisions. But if you walk with the wise, your life will be wiser. 'Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble. ' Proverbs 13:20 NLT

Where can you start to find a wise and Godly community? It starts by attending a local church. Find a community that helps you grow in Christ—not just grow but until your life becomes fruitful - a blessing for others. 

It is true that nowadays, with technology, we can learn and attend church online. However, it cannot replace real face-to-face and one-on-one relationships with others. Sometimes, it could be a daunting journey to find which one.  

A journey to find a local church.

Some of you who grew up in a Christian family may have attended the same church from childhood through adulthood. Some of you outgrew the church that you attended. Something happens, and your season of life requires you to attend a different church. Some of you know Christ during your teenage, young, or adult life. You don't know which church or teaching suits you. Some of you move to different cities or nations. So, you need to find another church. 

How to find the right one? For some, many options are available (especially in the big city). For others, there may be few choices or even no choices at all. It all depends on your life situation and location. What you have in your hand may be different from others. 

It's crucial to find a church that suits you. Look for a church whose teaching, liturgy, music, and culture resonate with your personality and calling. God cares until the little detail of your life. Remember that God creates you uniquely and cares so much about your identity. Not everyone was called to be in the same way. So embrace your identity, uniqueness, and life seasons to find the church.

You could start by asking yourself questions while trying to attend.

Consider the location. Can you easily go there? How far was it from your house? 

Doctrine/Theology. It seems cliche, but first, check the church website. What does it say about what it believes and program? What are its core teachings? Observe by yourself on Sunday service. What do you think? 

Liturgy: Do you enjoy the music? Do you like the service? Is it too long or too short? How was the service presented?

Culture. How's the culture? What language do they speak? Who are the congregations? Do they have other activities outside on Sunday? How do people treat or welcome you? Can you be yourself? What are the unspoken rules? 

Value. What are the core values and DNA of that church? What is the doctrine? How is the teaching?

Reference. What did people say? How do you see the result of the people who attend that church? 

You can also add your own list of questions. 

Sometimes, they look similar (from one church to another), but if you pay close attention, you will know the differences. Remember, your preferences matter when finding a church that feels like home. 

God has already given you a unique identity as an individual. Finding a church community that fits you and makes you feel you belong is essential. Finding the right church is not just about attending services but about personal growth and spiritual nourishment. Don't be discouraged if it takes time to find the right one. Keep searching, and you will find a place where you can truly thrive.

I have several friends who live only five minutes from each other's houses. We all have Indonesian roots, but none attend the same church. One chooses to go to an international (English-speaking) church in Amsterdam, which takes almost one hour for her to travel by train. Others decide to go to an international church in this neighborhood, which is just walking distance from her house. My other friends attend the Indonesian-Dutch Church in Amsterdam. The other go to the Catholic church in Amsterdam.

Meanwhile, my home church is in Harleem, a Dutch church with multicultural congregations. It takes 30 minutes to drive - 45 kilometers from our house. I also have another friend who, every week, needs to drive 2 hours (a total of 4 hours back and forth) just to attend church because none in their neighborhood suits them, and they live far from the big city. And they are okay with that. If you asked me, would I do that? Sorry, nope! It's too far for me and for my kids. 

My family also attends different churches. None of us went to the same church anymore, unlike in our childhood. Because my family was spread to other cities and countries. Now, everyone in my family attends a different style of church, even though we used to grow up in the same church. The seasons of life have changed our needs. 

As you can see, everyone has a different calling, season, and personality. Find the church and teaching that suits your season of life. It's our responsibility to find and be planted. 

Double Check and Be Aware.

As you explore the church, it's important to be open and, at the same time, exercise critical thinking. Listen to the teaching, but also check with your common sense and read the Bible. Is the teaching true or in line with the Bible? Is the leader walking the talk? Do you understand what he/she said? Don't just believe what people or the preacher say. This responsibility of discernment is yours. Ask Holly Spirit to guide you. And it's a crucial part of finding a church that resonates with you. And also, remember that there is no perfect church. Each one has strengths and flaws. 

God gives you a brain, common sense, and wisdom. So use it! Double-check and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. You will only know if you listen and pay attention carefully. If some words or culture trigger you, let's check why. If you don't understand, ask questions. Genuinely curious and not to make assumptions. If you don't like the music, maybe it's not for you. Perhaps it's not the right place or teaching (church) for you. It may be suitable for others, but not for you. 

It's like a plant. You need to be planted in suitable soil to grow and be fruitful. You can't grow a coconut tree in Zwitserland Mountain, right? Find the suitable soil. You will not know if you don't try to attend and get to know more deeply. It takes time. If you have tried everything you can in that church, but it still doesn't work out, maybe it's time to continue your journey to find another home church. And that is okay. 

To help you understand the Bible

Read and learn the Bible (translation) that resonates with you. Numerous translations are available (especially in the English version). If you don't understand English, don't read the English Bible. What is your daily language? Your language and cultural background are also your uniqueness.

Find one that you easily understand. I would not understand and probably fall asleep if you asked me to read the KJV because it was written in the old English version. If you are comfortable with the language, it will be easy to love and learn it. Your understanding and connection with the Bible are what matters most.  

My kids read the (Dutch) Kid's Bible, which I read in Dutch, but I told the story in Indonesian (our mother language). If you asked them to read the adult's Bible, they would not understand. They couldn't read yet because they were three and five years old. But it was easy for them with the Kid's Bible—it was all written with beautiful drawings. The language and the story were simple for them. The Bible is their favorite book. 

But I am an adult; I need more depth. I need the adult version, and I love to read several translations to help me better understand the content. I speak three languages, but English translation is my primary preference.

Find what works for you. 

Embrace your uniqueness

Once again, embrace your uniqueness to know God. You are called to this time, in these seasons, and in these locations for a purpose. Be open and exercise critical thinking. Read the Bible yourself, and don't just listen to what others say. Double-check it. 

Let's celebrate the differentiation and diversity of how people express their faith journey. Just like you, each church also has its own identity and calling. 

God didn't call you to be somebody else. Be authentic, be you. Find a place to help you grow, become more mature, and be fruitful - be a blessing to others. 

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