Priscilla RVR

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Building Your Masterpiece - Lesson From The Turtle

When you want to make a grand masterpiece that will impact many people and even reach another generation, it will be like the turtle race. There's no instant process that can build a grand masterpiece. 

There's a big chance that you know the famous fable about the competition between a rabbit and a turtle. The rabbit runs so fast; meanwhile, the turtle runs in super slow motion. Based on statistics, supposed to be the rabbit easily won the race. But he was easily distracted and made so many stops. And he undermines the turtle.

Somehow, the turtle isn't bothered by the speed of the rabbit. The turtle keeps on persistent, taking one step at a time. We know the turtle wins the race at the end of the story. It's true in the fable but also in real life. Some people make this race fable into live action. It's proven that the turtle wins and reaches the finish line before the rabbit. 

It took 22 months for Gustave Eiffel to build the Eiffel Tower. But it takes continual renovation - repainting - every seven years to sustain the tower. So, we who live 130 years after Gustave finished his project can enjoy his artwork. It has become the proud icon of France & Paris. 

If you go to Barcelona, Spain, you will find the icon or the most popular tourist must-see is The Sagrada Familia. It took 140 years for Gaudi to make Sagrada Familia! Now, it still needs to be finished. It said it would be completed around the year 2030. And he had already passed away.

When you read this, some may think, "But who am I? I am just an ordinary person, and I am not thinking of something that will make that kind of impact". That's true. Most of us are different from Gustave or Gaudi. But it doesn't mean we didn't create our own masterpiece. Our life, our story, is a living masterpiece. Our history is written since we are in our mother's womb until we take our last breath away. 

In fact, many of us need to realize that we may carry several masterpieces in every season of our lives. Some simple masterpieces you may have done: You try to finish school and graduate with a good grade. You try to work and make your dream career. You try to find love and create a family of your own. Some of you have the opportunity to build a company from scratch. Some of you need to continue someone's leadership estafette. Raising kids and building a healthy marriage is also a masterpiece. 

Is it making sense now? Do you realize how many masterpieces you have made in your life? Or the things that are still ongoing or still need to be developed? 

Some of you were still skeptical. "Yeah, right, that's what you can call a masterpiece, but who am I to make an impact on others? To be last to the next generation?"

Whether you like it or not, you must remember that as long as we contact and meet with other human beings, our existence on Earth has an impact. You matter and have an effect on other people around you. It starts with your family (partner, kids, parents) and friends. 

Did your family and friends miss you? Did anyone ever say good things that you did for them? That's a sign that you make an impact, my friends. Don't underestimate the influence on your life. 

In the instant era of living, only a few of us think about building a legacy that will last until the next generation. We saw many companies that were hundred years old or decades old crumble down and disappear. Many start-up businesses only last less than five years. Only a few brands last and even thrive after the founder passed away, like Disney, Lego, Apple, etc. 

Do you ever think your masterpiece will be a legacy - until the generations to come? It could be as simple as I want to see my child and grandchild know Jesus as their savior. I want to see from my heirs that they serve God with all their talent and strength. 

My great-grandpa did it for us. It became the story of my family that was told from generation to generation. My pap used to share that story over and over. It's beautiful, and I also want to pass it down to my kids. 

Or you want to break the unhealthy generation cycle so your child can embrace a better life. Many of us have wound experience from our parents. And you don't want to pass that same wound to your children. But you need to be healed first. It took courage and daring to break the cycle. 

Some of us were neglected emotionally or physically when we were kids. And now, when you become a parent, you want to be present for your kids. 

Some of you might say I'm single and don't want to have a child. How could I build a legacy? Indeed, yes, you can too! How you touch other people's lives is also part of building a legacy. Jesus is single and doesn't have kids. He only lived thirty-three years. But all of us - thousands of years later - still get the impact of what he has done on this Earth. 

There are so many examples of how to build a legacy. So, what kind of story and legacy do you want to make?   

How long does it take to finish what you start? 

Your masterpiece may take years and decades to build! That's why we must learn to walk like a turtle - one step at a time. Our life journey of building a masterpiece may take super long, slow motions. Years may pass by, but nothing significant changes happen. But let's take a look back for a moment. Do you see how far you have come? Do you ever celebrate your small victories? Even though it's just a small milestone, let's celebrate it.  

The process of making great things is definitely NOT glamorous. It was mundane, boring, messy, challenging, and expected hard-ship. But it's all worth it. 

You may feel down when you compare your life with your friends. It seems their life is as fast as the rabbit. Sometimes, we forget that other people might see you as the rabbit. All of us have our own pace and chapter of life. Sometimes, people don't compare apples to apples. Your chapter one versus other people chapter twenty. Of course, it's different!

That's why a Bible verse says, "Comparison is the thief of joy." That's true. We are in the race, but to avoid beating each other or even to be the best. We are in the finite game - a never-ending game of life. What matters most is how we finish our journey to try our best to make the masterpiece. And how to be the best version of who you are.

Your life is your masterpiece. Let's keep walking even though it seems slow, like the turtle, one step at a time, until the finish line of life. Look how far you have come. Celebrate your milestones. Your life influences others even till the next generations come. Let's finish well. 


Your life is God's masterpiece!