Priscilla RVR

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Critical Thinking Like Jesus

In Matt 15-16, Jesus had an interesting conversation with the Pharisees, Sadducees, and religious scholars. Jesus called them frauds and hypocrites because they said to respect their parents, but they did not. In other words, they said 'A,' but they did the opposite. 

'Jesus answered, "And why do you ignore the commandment of God because of your traditions? For didn't God say, 'Honor your father and mother,' and, 'Whoever abuses or insults his father or mother must be put to death?' "But you teach that it's permissible to say to your parents when they are in financial need, 'Whatever gift you would have received from me I can keep for myself since I dedicated it as an offering to God.' This doesn't honor your father or mother. And you have elevated your tradition above the words of God. 'Matthew 15:3-6

The lesson that I learn from this moment is:

Jesus teaches about critical thinking. 

So, we are not just listening and believe what people teach. Instead, we need to be critical and observe. Are they doing what they said? Did they just pretend? Is it Biblical truth or a cultural tradition?  

Sadly, so many people blindly trust some teaching/preacher. They didn't realize that the wrong teaching could pollute your life. In the Message, the title is "What pollutes your life?"

It is important to have a teachable heart. It doesn't mean we quickly believe some teaching or anything that we are told. Ask questions; gather data and arguments, and analyze them. We need to have critical thinking or healthy skepticism too.

Why is this important? 

In Matt 16, once again, Jesus warned his disciples. 

'... I'm warning you to avoid the yeast of the Pharisees and the Sadducees."' Matthew 16:11 TPT

Jesus warned his disciples to avoid this kind of teaching. When Jesus says something more than twice, it means crucial. 

Yeast is to make the bread rise. Imagine if you didn't realize that you believe the wrong teaching like that. This situation makes you unconsciously promoting this teaching to others. 

Who are the modern 'Pharisees'?

At that time, it is easy to distinguish who's the Pharisees. We can see it from the clothing. They were also so proud of their status as Pharisees. But, in the modern-day context, where we can get information from anywhere - from around the world through an internet connection and social media, who are they? 

They wear like regular people, even look more fabulous and stylish. They use social media - have thousands of followers, which means they are popular; the church service might seem similar. 

But their heart isn't in it. They act like they're worshiping me, but they don't mean it. They just use me as a cover for teaching whatever suits their fancy."

So, how do we know?

The same way as Jesus did: the critical thinking and observe them. Do not just blindly follow some teaching without cross-checking with the Bible and their action. 

This thinking reminds me of JPCC's campaign years ago, "Dilarang Goblok" - "Don't be stupid!" Do not easily trust teaching without check by yourself what does the Bible said. Look, are they doing what they said or not. 


  • When was the last time you used critical thinking when you heard some teaching?

  • Can you able to identify?

  • If yes, are you willing to unfollow or leave that teaching/person?

  • Do you have accountable friends who dare to say to you directly when you are out of line?

That's why we need a healthy community that can remind us, be our accountable friends, and guard us on the right path. 


This fact happens in the USA and the Netherlands. People who mostly refused to get the vaccine or had the lowest number of vaccines are live in 'the Bible belt.' 

What does it mean? (feel free to think by yourself) 

This post is my personal notes from the Westmark Bible Study assignment. So, every week we read two chapters together and share what we learned or found from them. Let’s learn and grow together.

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