Priscilla RVR

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Which Side of History Are You?

I often heard the phrase, "The loudest voice isn't always right." And I start thinking it is true? Let's think together. 

It all depends on which side of history you are. There are two different cases example: First, the leader wants to make a cultural change in the organization. Some people who don't want to change will say out loud. They don't agree with the change. The leaders said, "The loudest voice isn't always right." 

Another story, the leader is reluctant to change, and some people in the organization want some changes. The leader is proud of the way they do things. These people start to speak out about the change. But, the leaders said, "The loudest voice isn't always right. Why should we listen to them?" 

Which one is right? 

It all depends on you and the cases. Which side of the history you stand for. There is no black and white answer. Both side saying their own version of the truth. Sadly, many leaders often used this phrase for an excuse not to listen and ignore the other voice. Some even saying the loudest is the trouble maker. Some quote saying, "The loudest voice seldom the most intelligent mind," Those who speak the loudest often have nothing to say," "A wise man once said nothing." The phrase seems becomes, "The loudest voice isn't right." 

Once again, I ask, is it correct? 

If you look out the world's history, all the revolution happens because some people dare say it out loud. Some people choose to stand to their value. They decide to fight for it. Some people try to speak with kindness, but yet, sometimes violence is unavoidable. Some people pay a high price with their life - being beaten or put in jail or even get killed.

Independence day would not happen without the heroes who fight the colonialism - The nation heroes make some noise! They are wise and not silent. Gender equality doesn't happen just like now—there some women heroes who fight for equality. The Netherlands have Alleta Jacobs who have influenced R.A Kartini to stand up for women's right in Indonesia. Remember, there's no internet back then. But yet the influence can reach thousands of miles away. So, don't take it for granted. Revolution happens because people want transformation. People demonstrate in the street shouting for justice. We could still see slavery in modern life if no one fights that slavery is wrong. The "Me Too" movement also arises because some people try to get justice. They don't want to live under the shadow and shame anymore.

Like now, 'The Black Lives Matter' movement. People start to speak up and break the silence. Because of that, many people realize that racism still exists. People begin to educate themselves about it. Learn how not to be racist. 

If no one is speaking up and fights about this, racism will still continue happening. The police brutality will still continue with a lack of responsibility. This is not a one-time event. Sometimes it takes years until it becomes the new culture. We need to keep saying it and educating people. 

Who's the loudest now?

Aren't they the loudest voice now? Become a movement not only in America but a global movement. If they didn't make some loud, the change would not happen. Sometimes people need to make noise until they are being heard, and transformation happens.   

Look out all the red lines of history. Change happens because there are people who dare to make some noise.

Recognize the problem. 

It is not about who's the loudest. I believe we need to discern all the voices that we heard. Not everything is right and true. We need to recognize the problem.

It is more about who wants to listen to each other. Everyone wants to be heard, but not everyone wants to listen to each other. If someone-some people know they were being listened to when they spoke gently, they will not express it louder and louder. 

Imagine if your feet were being run over by a car, and the wheel stopped on your feet. Would you scream out of your lungs? Or you'll just be sweet and gentle? Ha! I think not. At least I did scream when my drivers accidentally run over my feet. I scream until he moves the car out of my feet.

The same principles are applied. Some people will scream when something oppressed them. Find a way to express it to release them from oppression. Find a way for justice. Not everyone is bold and dare to speak up. 

The culture of silence.

A lot of people just try to be "nice people" and avoiding trouble. Some of them saying, "Just be quiet and be safe; Don't give yourself into trouble; Don't waste your energy for them; Don't be the public enemy." They don't realize they become a culture of silence. They know that something is wrong happening but choose to be in silence or simply ignorance.

Would you listen?

If the one who says it is still part of your organization or community or the people of your country, would you listen to them? Maybe they are right, and we are the ones who need to upgrade our belief system. Perhaps we need to address the issue. Try to understand their point of view. Speak to each other without any judgment and prejudice. See from their perspective. Don't burry that voice under the rug. 

Once again, look at history—Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech about his dreams. Nelson Mandela fought for equality and freedom; Soekarno-Hatta declared Indonesia independence day on 17 August 1945; read your country's independence day, and the revolution in the world. Change happens because some people choose to fight for it and not stay in the silence. They keep on to speak up until change happens.

If everyone is humble enough to listen to each other and wants to learn from each other, we could be better. We can avoid the clash or even violence. Innovation happens when everyone could speak up and give input without any judgment or embarrassment. Let's speak up for a better life. 

Which side of history are you?

So, which side of history are you? People make mistakes, and it's okay. Maybe you stood on the wrong side of history or belief, but there's always time to rethink - re-examine - to educate ourselves and choose to stand on the right side. 

Would you still think that the loudest voice isn't always right? Would you listen to them who are saying with the loudest voice? Would you speak up and stand for your belief until it happens?  

We cannot force the change to happen, but we can influence the change. We could make differences. Always speak with kindness. Let's listen to each other. Humble ourselves to be a forever learner. Make sure you are on the right side of history.

Your voice is matters! 

About the writer

Priscilla RVR is a visionary optimist. She believes in to always start with what you have in your hand. To add value and empower people to be better

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