Priscilla RVR

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Serving God Is A Privilege

Leading worship, team prayer, preacher, usher, or any kind of ministry is not your birthright. It is not a possession for you to hold. Don't chase to be on the platform. Don't dream of being the number one. Ministry is not the game of thrones. 

Serving God is a privilege, an honor, a favor - God has given us the opportunity. We could serve God because it was a gracious gift from God. Don't take it for granted. It is given. You don't earn it. 

'And since it is by God's grace, it can't be a matter of their good works; otherwise, it wouldn't be a gift of grace, but earned by human effort.’ Romans 11:6

For it was only through this wonderful grace that we believed in him. Nothing we did could ever earn this salvation, for it was the gracious gift from God that brought us to Christ!  Ephesians 2:8 TPT

Imagine this…

Suddenly you got a phone call from the staff of Queen Elizabeth. She wants you to sing for a private show in her palace. The event will be held in the next 3 months. What is your reaction? Do you think that is it a prank call? Too good to be true? Do you accept it?

You might be asked back, "Are you sure, sir? Am I not mistaken? How on earth does Queen want to hear my voice? Who am I? I am not even a UK citizen. You have a more talented artist from England. You have Adele, Ed Sheeran, and so on. Why the Queen wants me to sing for her? I am nobody. I don't have any recording albums. How do you even found me?"

The officer reply, "We found about you. It doesn't matter how we found you. The Queen herself has chosen you among all other talents. Yes, we have so many beautiful talents from this country, but yet she wants you. Please be ready and prepared yourself. You have three months for preparation. You can ask me anything, and I would help you. Do you accept this invitation?"

What is your answer? Would you prepare yourself as best as you can, even thou you will be singing only for one person? But one person is not just a regular person. She is the Queen of England. Would you turn down this opportunity? A lifetime opportunity that not everyone gets it. It's simply as privileged.

The same with our God. He doesn't lack beautiful voice and talent. Angel could sing better than the best vocalist on earth. Some so many people are more talented, charisma, and skills - more than you. But, yet God has chosen you. He doesn't even care how great you can sing. He loves to hear your voice even thou you are out of tune. What He wants from you is to listen to you sing from your heart. He looks into the deep of your heart. Not about your ability to sing at all. He wants your worship - through your everyday life decisions.

Sometimes this privilege comes in the form of singing only for one person - or a view people. Not in the big stage with a full band, full sound system with grande lighting. Would you still be faithful and give the best that you can do? Do you prepare yourself - the same as singing on the big platform? 

He gave us an opportunity. He allowed us to come to His thrones and bring the voices of praise. He gave it for free, by His grace. Our audience as the worshipper is only one - The Only One - The King of kings himself. The creator of the universe. There's no way you can do it by yourself - by your own might and talent. There's nothing to be 'bragged off.' This is called privilege. You didn't earn it. 

If we need to earn it, what the difference with the Pharisee? We are not living in the Old Testament era anymore. Jesus died for us and gave us His grace. We could serve God even thou we didn't have any qualifications or theology background. We serve God, not because of our talent and skills. God loves to use the brokenness, the rejected. 

The beauty of this privilege is not to keep it for yourself.

Don't take it for granted by keeping this only for yourself. Let's pay it forward to other people. Let them have the same opportunity as you have. 

Let's learn together to serve God and build each other. 

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