Priscilla RVR

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#1 Raising UP The Worshippers - Introduction

Being a worshipper is a personal life long decision. Raising up the worshippers is another level - a decision that makes an impact on other people whom God has put in our hands. They will copy and do what we do, more than what we say or teach to them. The world needs more of a role model. We need not just the Bible verse or doctrine. We need more wisdom to raise up the generations.

When people think about the word 'world,' often they thought about the worldwide-global nation. It's not true. The 'world' is also about our closest life: start from your family, your workplace, your study, your community, and so on. ⁠ ⁠

People need more people who can walk the talk and talk the walk. We have enough great teachers or wisdom out there from across the world. We can learn from people who are a thousand miles away. ⁠ ⁠ We need someone that reachable to be the role model. Someone that we can watch in daily life, talk with them, and learn from them directly.⁠ ⁠

Let's start with ourselves. Be more intentional as a role model for the generation for the people around us. What we do is worship.

Worship is not about a song, music, or being on stage. Worship is your everyday-ordinary life. From the time you wake up until you go back to sleep. Everything that you do - you do it for God - as a living sacrifice. Worship is about your daily relationship with God, and it's reflected through your daily choice, your daily relationship with others, your small daily obedience. In other words, your worship is reflected in everything that you do - every single day in your life until the end. It doesn't mean you have to be perfect. You need just to be real and authentic.

I am not leading worship like I used to do. It doesn't mean that I am no longer a worshipper. I am still a worshipper. In fact, I'm still leading worship in different ways. My identity is not based on the role or status that I do. Being on stage and serving in the church is a privilege. It's not our right to be claimed. Ministry is not the game of thrones. Ministry at church is not everything. Your family is also your ministry. Raising up the worshipper is also a ministry.

I believe that all that behind you is the preparation for all that is set before you. Just because you can't do like your previous season, it doesn't mean all your expertise is wasted or become useless. All that we've been through are helping us to become our next version. We are evolving from one version to another version. God never wasted a thing in our life.

All the experience, mistake, struggle, knowledge, and wisdom from more than 24 years of ministry - on and off the platform - in praise and worship - leading worship; I don't want to keep on just for myself. I know how far God has brought me here. All the high and the low. He doesn't put it in my life just for the sake of fun. Just because my seasons are different, it doesn't mean all the journey behind me is nothing. He chooses me for a reason. He chooses us for a purpose. "God is preparing you for what He has prepared for you" - Christine Caine.

That's why I want to share it with my heart. I have my little worshipper at my home now. I know one of my duties now is raising up the worshippers (not just my children). To add value to people's lives. It doesn't mean that I know everything. I'm still learning and always be learning. All the things that I can do and know is just truly a favor from God.

Raising up is a messy process, full of trial and error, make a lot of mistakes, and far from perfection. You didn't find worshippers. You need to build (raise up) the worshipper. Raising up is like parenting. Parenting is leadership. Leadership is parenting. We cannot raise up with words only, we are raising up by being a role model.

This series is about the value, life lesson, leadership as a worshipper. A reminder of the "WHY' you what you do as a worshipper. A simple note to the generations, to my children, and also for myself.

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